We are seeking truth, reality, not hallucinations

To all the seekers of truth. We are seeking truth, reality, not hallucinations, not imaginations, not our own mental projections. We are not being yet able, many of us who are seeking, to understand that reality is what it is. It will be the same; it has been the same. We cannot coin it for ourselves. We cannot organize it, and we cannot think about it. We cannot put a mental projection of our own as to, "This is the reality. This is not the reality."

Today only I was reading with great surprise an article about sniffing the glue that people are doing. I mean, now this is the last they are sniffing now, petrol, all sorts of things. Well, why, why are they doing it? Because for some sensation. But they said that when you do that, what happens that you start believing that whatever you are doing is right. That's exactly is the point today. Without sniffing also there are many who believe like that. But whatever their ideas are about God or about spirit, about seeking, is the right thing and they don't want to see what reality is. They just want to reject their ego, their imagination, to believe that this is the reality, and then they just are convinced that they know everything. With such people, what to do? How to tell them that reality is something very different ?

Now what happens when we put our mental projections like that ? We can see things, we read books, we form our own ideas. It's a very dangerous thing that can happen to human beings, and that is, your ego start bloating, becoming big and big and big without your knowledge. A person who has an ego does not harm himself at all. He harms others. He doesn't harm anyone as such but he harms in a way which can be very deep hurting. He'll say things which will hurt a person. He'll do things that will hurt. Nations after nations can be destroyed with this ego, like Hitler did.

So when you put your mental projections like this, "I can do it. I can find it. I know. I know. I believe," then this ego, you see, grows in your head. If it was only your head, nothing to bother, but it grows round your heart. It grows round your heart and your heart becomes like a stone. You cannot feel anything that is real. You cannot understand what is real and what is unreal. All this discrimination is lost completely.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   May 20, 1983  " To All Seekers of Truth "   Caxton Hall   London, U.K.

Buddha realized the greatest problem of a human being

So today we have gathered here to worship Buddha. Lord Buddha, as you know, was Gautama, the one who was born in a royal family. And then, He became an ascetic, because He was very much hurt to see three types of problems from which human beings suffer. And He came to conclusion, all these three types of problems are because we have desires. So He said that, "If you become desire-less, then there will be no problem for you." So He studied Vedas, He studied Upanishads, He studies all kinds of things. He went to many saints and many people. He could not get His Realization. Actually He was an Incarnation. An incarnation also has to reach a point of Realization in a different way, like the whole potential has to open out. But the incarnation has tremendous potential, and that expresses itself once the door is opened outward.

Buddha realized the greatest problem of a human being, is his ego. In his ego he goes to the extremes, from one end to another. And so He worked throughout on the Pingala Nadi for us, and stationed Himself on our ego, to control it. If you see on the Agnya Chakra, if in the center is Christ, you have on the left Buddha, and on the right is Mahavira. All of them are called as Lords, because they're rulers of these three areas.

Now this area of Agnya is the area of Tapas, is of penance. Because they have done penance for us, we don't have to do any penance. Means they have done for us everything that is possible. That's how the Sahaja Yogis don't have to do any penance, they're in a beautiful place having a nice vibrations. They don't have to go in the jungles, run away from the society and hide themselves in a place where there could be scorpions, could be snakes, could be tigers, could be any danger to life.

So the penance part is over and also Buddha in His lifetime - when He was alive, all the time He said, "There is no need to have any austerities. There's no need to have any austerities at all." If you read Buddha, His early teachings, then you'll be surprised that He said that, "There should be no austerities." He Himself went through austerities. But that was the time, Samay-achara was the time, where they needed people who would go all out to do the propagation of His ideas, so most of them took to a kind of a life but He never believed in any austerities. Moreover, He was not a vegetarian. He died because once He went to a village and He was hungry and He asked one of the hunters, we call them as Kiratas, that, "I would like to eat now and I have to go for My work." They said that, "This morning I have killed a wild boar but it must take some time otherwise it's very hot blood." He said, "Doesn't matter." Very significant, right side to take the red meat of a wild boar without getting it cooled down. He ate it and He died with that.

Everything that they do has a meaning. As we find meaning in the life of Christ, we find in the meaning of Buddha also. That is the reason why the Buddhists became vegetarians. Because Buddha died eating that hot meat they became vegetarians. But that doesn't mean that everybody has to become vegetarian. Those who have ego, it's better they are vegetarians. Right side people are better with the vegetarian food more,  and the left side more with the protein. That we know very well.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   May 21, 1989   Shri Buddha Puja   Barcelona, Spain

​Buddha's message

Buddha's message is, of course, is not to develop ego. But how do you do that? First of all, whatever you are doing you have to say, "I am not doing it. It's Mother who is doing it" or "God who is doing it, I am not doing anything." 

But if you feel that you are doing something for Sahaja Yoga, it's better you stop doing it. But you should say, "No, it came my way. I just ... I didn't do anything. I was just there. That's all." Then you have achieved a great deal. And the second thing is of desire, even desire of anything, of smallest thing or the biggest thing or even loving your children, loving you wife, this "my, mine" all those things; all these desires, if they are not fulfilled you feel frustrated, then you must know that there's something wrong with you. But, if you understand the sense of collectivity, then you can ascend very fast. ..."

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Shri Buddha Puja, Deinze, Belgium, 04.08.1991

Secrets of the Crown Chakra: 'Sahastr', in Sanskrit language, means one thousand

Today we have gathered here to do the Sahasrara Puja. 'Sahasrara', the word 'Sahastr', in Sanskrit language, means one thousand. And there are one thousand petals in our brain, which get enlightened.
Of course, the doctors are quarreling on that point, but forget about them. Now these petals are kept ready for our enlightenment and these are really the nerves - one thousand nerves - which are there for the enlightenment of the brain.
So when the Kundalini rises she enlightens those one thousand nerves which become like, as you see here, the shape of these flames - like a petal. And that's why it is called as Sahasrara - the center of Sahasrara.

In the human beings it is a very important center, because this is the only center by which we think and we try to stop whatever we don't like. This is the center which reacts; reacts in such a manner that, without any discretion we start saying 'no' to this and 'no' to that - on small things also. Like somebody might say, 'I don't like this carpet, I don't like this house, I don't like that'. This language itself shows that - who are you? First find out. But you cannot become your Self unless and until this Sahasrara, this brain, is opened out and the Kundalini becomes one with the Paramchaitanya. Before that you are in complete ignorance about what is good and what is bad. Whatever you think for this brain is good, you do it. But whatever is really good you do not know because you do not know the reality.

Now we have to understand the consciousness that we have - consciousness of being alive, consciousness of so many things we have, and the so-called Knowledge we have about everything. All that consciousness is stored near the liver, for your information, by this diaphragm. But then this consciousness starts rising higher and higher, then you become aware. In the evolutionary process you become aware. Aware of things without going through your brain. You just become aware. And how? Not by thinking. Not by understanding or seeing, but you become aware because your brain has now started working in a manner that's very, very sensitive.

So you just become aware of some sort of a fear, or maybe some sort of a goodness, or anything. But it goes even further. The growth of consciousness, which becomes aware, goes further - where you start liking a person or disliking a person. But still it's nothing definite and sure. You dislike a person because he has a particular type of a face, maybe eyes or maybe anything. Or maybe because you have known somebody who has been very nice, so you start transferring that image on to others. With these transferred images you can hate or love someone. Then you start saying, 'I hate this', 'I hate that', which has no actual substantial meaning. You hate it because, perhaps, maybe such and such a person looks like somebody.

Now you go further with it then you see that 'such and such a person ...', now I'm not talking about things but about persons '...such and such a person has done this harm to me' - something positive. So you start feeling that you should hate that person. Now you start hating that person. With that hatred you develop new faculties of how to harm that person. Then you start thinking how to destroy that person, how to make his life miserable. Then you may beat that person, you may shout at that person, you may try to kill that person - you can do anything.

So now the awareness is going towards another direction, which is darkness, which is not light. Because in the light you won't do such a thing. In the light you see everybody is sitting. You know how far you are, where you are sitting. If you want to go out, you know how to walk out. But when in the darkness you are there, you just don't understand, and you go on behaving in a manner which cannot be explained otherwise, except that because you are a human being.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    May 9, 1999   Sahasrara Puja   Cabella Ligure, Italy

The True Mother's Day: "...Mahamaya is like a mirror. "

Today is a unique combination of Mother's Day in many countries, and Sahasrara Day for Sahaja yogis. I think this is the most important day in the history of human evolution, because all other events, incarnations and ventures in the spiritual atmosphere have been of no avail. On the contrary, they have gone into a kind of a cocoon which has no door, banging themselves against the walls, creating problems out of something very auspicious and extremely, beautifully spiritual. It's not possible to find faults with the incarnations in whose names all the religions came in. But this cocoon is the Mahamaya, I think. Cocoon is the one which is ignorance. We can say that Maya, Mahamaya does not create it. This cocoon is created by the basic ignorance of human beings and their misidentifications.

So the human nature is such that it identifies itself easily with untruth. Anything that is truthful, human beings find it very difficult to compromise. The trouble with the truth is that it cannot compromise. So all kinds of ignorance, all kinds of falsehood, all kinds of destructive forces gather together somehow or other, to attract human mind. It is perhaps the ego of man that makes him feel so attracted to those things, because they all pamper his ego. As it is, the most difficult center that we have to cross is this center of Agnya. This center is the one which takes us out, either to the left or to the right, if you try to push it too much. Thus we land up into the hold of ignorance, which is being looked after by Mahamaya.

They say that at Sahasrara when the Goddess will appear, She will be a Mahamaya. Is it possible to be anything else as the world is today, to come on this Earth? Any other type of incarnation would have been in great trouble, because human beings in their ego are the highest in Kali Yuga, highest. So they are quite stupid and they are capable of doing any harm, any kind of harm, any kind of violence, to a divine personality. It is not at all possible to exist in this world as anything else but Mahamaya. But it also acts upon the people who are seeking. It has many facets. By one facet it covers your Sahasrara: the seekers are tested. If you are more enamored by people who are something odd, who wear odd dresses, who show odd things as so many false gurus have done, or absurd or something very cheapish, that attracts the attention of human beings because of Mahamaya, or we can say that it is the Mahamaya which judges a person.

Mahamaya is like a mirror. Whatever you are, you see yourself in the mirror. Mirror has no responsibility.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   May 8, 1994   Sahasrara Puja   Cabella Ligure, Italy

The True Mother's Day: "...Sahasrara and the motherhood go together. "

Today it's a great day, because Sahasrara Day and Mother's Day have come together. That's very Sahaj happening, I think, and that is what we have to understand, how Sahasrara and the motherhood go together.

Sahasrara was definitely opened and Mother had to do it, because formerly those people who came on this earth tried to teach people about dharma, to bring them to the central path, to the straightforward path of ascent. They tried everything now, whatever way they thought was good for a particular community, particular area, particular country. They talked about it and lots of books came out of it. But instead of all these books creating people of religious, spiritual and a united nature, created people who were all against each other. Absurd !... it's an absurd thing, but it happened. So all these books that were written, all this knowledge that was given was all misused by human beings just to get their own power, I should say; so it was all a power-oriented, also money-oriented game going on. When we see the outcome of all these religions, we feel it's all empty. They talk of love, they talk of compassion, but it all is for a purpose. It is all a political game sometimes, because they still feel that they should have power; not the spiritual power, but the worldly power so that they can dominate the whole world.

So this domination started working so much in the human mind that we had lots of wars, killings, all kinds of things. And when it subsided I felt that now maybe, opening Sahasrara might help people to see the truth. At the level of Sahasrara you know the truth. So all kinds of illusions, all kinds of misunderstandings, all kinds of self-imposed ignorance, they all have to disappear. Because what you know is the truth. The truth is not sharp, it's not harsh, it is not something which is difficult to assimilate. People thought truth must be something that would be just very damaging or could be very harsh, could create problems between human beings - which should not have, it should not have, it was not meant to be. But whenever they talked of truth the people used it for a wrong purpose. It's something special about human beings that they start using things for a wrong attitude, for a wrong message, and try to use it for their own purpose. It's such a common thing with human beings that they want to have power over other men.

Now I've seen in My own country when people wanted to have separate nations. Those people who wanted to have separate nations actually did it, not to achieve anything great but just because they can become - those people who wanted, for few of them - they'll become something great in their own country. So they never wanted to be in a country where they may not rise to that height. So then they separated those countries, and by separating I have seen all these countries are suffering, suffering very much. There's no growth, there are financial problems, all kinds of problems are there. And also the main country is suffering because they have now developed enmity, and all this is working out against the main country.

So to have a separatist idea itself is against Sahaj. Say, for example, a flower growing on the tree looks very nice. It develops there, matures there and it produces seeds also. But supposing you cut the flower and take it away, then what happens? The tree loses the flower, no doubt, but mostly it is the loss of the flower."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    May 10, 1998   " Meditation is the Only Way "  Sahasrara Puja   Cabella Ligure, Italy

Must Know Thyself

Today, I bow to all the Sahaja yogis who have found the truth. There has been, from ages, the seeking for the truth. And when people discovered that there's no other way but to surrender to the Divine that you can find the truth.They did not know how to do it, how to work it out. There have been seekers all over the world. I went to Turkey and I was amazed there have been lots of Sufis, but their disciples were not realized souls, because the Sufis also did not know how they got their realization. Such darkness existed around people who were seeking.

All over the world I find, when I was a little girl, that they are completely ignorant about how to find the truth. So many were lost in all kinds of so-called religions and rituals. All kinds of rituals they used to do; morning till evening, some sort of a ritual they would do. Whether they were Hindus, Christians, Muslims, they all believed that by doing all these rituals you'll achieve something, that you will know the truth, that you will get your Self-realization. All such seekers went to wrong people and to wrong directions, because they were really seeking from their heart. So they were very misleading, misleading and they were misled into such horrible black areas that they did not know what they were seeking, what they are supposed to seek, what they have to have.

It has been prophesied that when
Kali Yuga
​(Dark Age)
will come, people will find themselves. There's a story about
​ ​
, who had taken away the wife,
, of
. So once Nala caught hold of him, and he said that "Now I'm going to kill you, because you are a very mischievous man and you have done such a harm to me."

So the
​(Darkness) ​
said, "You can kill me, but before that you should know what is my importance, what is my
. And   my importance is that when my time will come" - when
Kali Yuga
will come - "then all those people who are seeking the truth in the jungles, in the hills and dales, in the Himalayas will become ordinary householders, they'll be householders. They won't be sanyasis going about, they'll be householders, and they will find the truth."

This has been prophesized long time back, and also there's a book about it, a book; as you must have read in the book which says that the time has come for people to know themselves. Every religion has said one thing, that you must know yourself. Islam says the same, Buddha says the same, Christians say the same, Hindus say the same. So till then they go on doing all kinds of acrobats, but they realize that "we haven't found the truth.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   May 6, 2001  Sahasrara Puja   Cabella, Italy