You must pray, to God and ask, what you want. Ask for “complete satisfaction in
my heart, joy in my heart,
bliss in my heart, so that the whole world becomes blissful. Give me love, love
that I could… love the whole world
and that the whole world becomes one in love. Give salvation to this...
humanity. Which is suffering.
Take me to your feet. Cleanse me with… with thy love.”
Now see if there is God or not? You can feel within yourself. He hears you. He
understands you.
He's the glory of all the glory. He loves you. He protects you. He guides you.
He created you to reveal His love,
but accept it.
Any time any thought is coming you pray and you will be moving in the waves of
that ocean which is unconscious mind,
which starts with thoughtless awareness.
[long pause]
If you cannot become thoughtless, you pray to: forgive me for what I have done
and forgive those
who have done harm to me.