Essence of Raja Yoga

Shri Mataji: "This is a very nice question, "How to realize the Self?" The first word - how. On this, one can say that Self can be realized and is to be realized, will be realized. But you cannot realize Self. You cannot. You have become a human being from amoeba. How did you become? What did you do? You got it just as a blessing from God. In the same way, Self-Realization is also the blessing of God. It is spontaneous. It is a living thing. Anything living happens spontaneously, by itself. Do you ever say - how am I to sprout the seed? It will sprout by itself. Why? Because all the mechanism, all the energy that is required for it to sprout is embedded in it, is built in it.

In the same way, all that is required to reach to your Self is embedded within you. It is waiting there for that moment when it has to happen. Once you start doing anything about it, efforts about it, you go wrong. As I've told you that there is a force, which is sleeping, an energy, which is called as Kundalini, in the triangular Bone. That is the [ankura ?], that's the primule. That rises, which connects you with the mains - just like this one you can say, a cord that opens out and connects you with the mains. But can it do it by itself? No. The one who has made this instrument has to do it. So it is God who is going to do that for you. Or somebody appointed by God can do it. So how does it come in? Now can you tell me how does a seed sprout? How does a flower become a fruit? You don't even see when it happens. It is done in such a manner that you cannot even see it with your naked eyes. Of course, if you had some sort of a camera which gives you delayed actions - and things, then you might. But with your human eyes you cannot even see that. And there are thousands and thousands of such things happening.

Now your Self-Realization is the most important thing and has to happen. The time has come. You are created for that, you have to have it. The blossomtime has come and all of you have to become fruits. The time has come. It has to work out. Only thing what you have done through your effort you've spoiled the flower.

The other day only I was reading about Raja Yoga that people are doing. I'm not against Raja Yoga by any chance. But Raja Yoga is a happening within yourself. With the Kundalini awakening - you see, when the Kundalini is awakened, then all these happenings take place, all these closing up of certain bandhas and all that, that takes place and the Kundalini rises. But it happens in such a short time, in such a split of a second you can say, that you cannot feel it's rising - in Sahaja Yoga, in this modern Sahaja Yoga. "

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   March 8, 1979  " How to Realize the Self " Public Program  New Delhi, India