I told you about the three powers we have within ourselves: one is the power of desire that is on the left-hand side; and the another power of action which is on the right-hand side; and the central power which is the power of our divinity or evolution. Also I told you about the centers that we have. The lowest center is below the Kundalini which is responsible for our innocence. When this center gets disturbed then our innocence is also disturbed. This is a very, very important center for Sahaja Yoga. It plays a very vital role in your evolution. Whatever you have done before or you have done now to spoil the awakening of the Kundalini or you can say to spoil the Sushumna, the central part, is all recorded in that Kundalini Itself. But the recording takes place because this center which is at the end, which is innocence, receives all the information from this conditioning line, the left side. It receives all the information and it records, just like a tape recorder. So the Kundalini is aware of the mistakes that are committed by you personally, by the society, by the conditioning of the, your seeking, by all sorts of things that you have done so far, by which you have tried to hamper the path of your Realization. So this is the path, the central path which is very important for your ascent. But that should not give you a guilt. One thing I must tell you, when I speak you should not take Me that seriously. Because that's the worst thing that happens to you, that you start developing a guilt, and then the Realization becomes very difficult. So please do not develop any guilt when I say something, or just start pondering, "Oh, I have done this mistake and that mistake." Because I'm talking of first and last time as I said it and today is the first time I would say again to begin with that I'm talking of Ocean of Love. If you were so perfect there was no need to have Sahaja Yoga. There was no need to do anything. Should have been the simplest job, you see. Anybody could have done it. Because there are complications and problems that somebody has to work it out. So there is nothing to feel guilty about it. First thing I have to request today is not to feel guilty about anything.So the second center is of your activity, as I told you. So through your activity also you create problems on the central line. Now how do you create that? It's like this. You can see the left and the right and the central. Central part is the Sushumna. Now these two start working. When they work very hard or they pull each other on the sides, then sometimes this may be dislocation completely by which you lose your complete connection with the whole. Or could be that it may narrow down, the path may narrow down, and sometimes it can be very much injured or sick. These centers could be very sick.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi June 25, 1981 " The Ocean of Love "
Public Program Hampstead, London, U.K.