The Maha Yogi Prophecy

And another one, another prediction we had in India, means it's another great thing, t
wo thousand years back. See there was a great guru, who, very well-known for his astrological predictions, you see. He has written two books, you see. One of them is called as Nadi Gruhanath and in that thing he has written about Sahaja Yoga, that it will start in 1970. I started in 1970 exactly. And he called Me a Maha Yogi. See, that the  Maha Yogi will be the embodiment of the Parabrahma, and that this Parabrahma will have the power of whatever He wants to do, it will do, whatever He doesn't want to do, it will not do. It's [Hindi] Shakti. In 1970 it is done. And that a very big Yogi will die in 1922 and this Maha Yogi will be born after that. I was born in '23. And a new method will start by which the sleeping Kundalini Shakti will be awakened and people will get their Realization. Such a lot he has written that I know, really it's most surprising, and I have asked Gavin to write down the whole thing, whatever is  said. Yes, and then people will be cured of their diseases. You don't need any institutions like hospital. And then if there are sufficient number of Sahaja Yogis, then you don't need a third world war. Otherwise, there could be a third world war. And after that third world war, people will gather together. Even if you have that, then only the Sahaja Yogis will be respected and will be called to have a conference instead of these horrible politicians. It's quite a lot, but Gavin is going to prepare that and is going to send to all of you.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   April 25, 1982  " Ruth's Apartment "   Rome, Italy

What's Truth Really About?

At the outset I have to tell you what is the truth. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, but you are the Pure Spirit. You're not this ego, intelligence but you are the pure Spirit. This is the first truth about you. And the second one is that - you see all these flowers so beautifully placed before you ? They are a miracle in a way, because we can't explain how they are different, grow at a different temperature, how they're different in their heights and colors and fragrance. How these are happening, we never think. All these living things, for example, who runs your heart? So doctors will say that autonomous nervous system, but who is this 'auto', they can't answer. So the science cannot answer this question. Science is limited, it cannot answer, it cannot say why are we on this earth, why have we come on this earth?

So the second truth is there is a subtle living power which is the Divine Love which does all the living work. All the religions have talked about it, all the religions have said that you must get your self-realization, your second birth, in different, different ways. And all the religions have said that there is this subtle power of Divine Love which is formless. But as it is, religions were not so much Spirit-oriented; they were either money-oriented or power-oriented and fighting among themselves. In the name of God they're fighting because if they are the Spirit they won't fight. Because then they will realize they're part and parcel of the whole, they're all one.  All these religions were born on the same Tree of Spirituality, but we have plucked the flowers and we're fighting with the dead flowers. All the people who created these great religions never treated them separately. We have done a mistake by not understanding the unity we're having. We'll be happy to see all the people sitting here are coming from different races, from different religions, from different countries. Sahaja Yoga now is working in sixty countries.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   April 26, 1994  Public Program   Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Center Heart: The Center of Security

All the seekers of truth, I bow. I have told you before during last two days, about the different energies that run within us and also the subtle centers who manifest with those centers outside, except for two. Today I will tell you about the remaining two centers and about what to do after realization. As you know, today is the last day and tomorrow I have to leave and next time I'm sure I'll come for a week to meet you all again.

Now the center that is placed is the center of the heart is called as the heart center, or in Sanskrit language is called as anahat chakra, anahat chakra. This is the center, very important, because till the age of twelve years the sternum bone which is placed in front of it, produces a kind of sense which are called as antibodies, and then these antibodies travel all around the body and protect us from any invasion from outside. This is the center that informs the antibodies about the invasion and how to fight it. This center is bestowed upon the deity Allti; Mother of the World. She's the Mother of all the seekers and of all the saints and prophets and She protects all the seekers who are mislaid or carried away by fake gurus and false gurus. She also protects the seekers when they are trying to achieve their realization and some negative forces try to pull them down.

This center is the center of security, so the first thing any one of these organizations - whether they are religious or of fake gurus - they try to put insecurity into a person: 'If you don't do like this, this will happen, if you don't do like that, that will happen,' so the person is insecure to begin with. Or it can also be that they might say, 'This is due to your karmas, you've been a sinner, you have been this, and you must confess, something wrong with you'...all these things build up the insecurity within you.

Now if this insecurity is developed in a person, the diseases are caused... like palpitations, fear, nervousness, frustration, can be very cranky, hysteria, could be epileptic...can go to any extent. When a person sees a sign of danger, this center starts pulsating, by its pulsation the heart starts beating more and the antibodies are alerted to see what is the danger coming in. But a seeker should never forget that he has a very powerful Mother, the most powerful Mother and She is capable of handling any kind of situation, whatever it may be, for Her children's sake. If this security is built in a person, he is not afraid of any kind of attacks.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   April 29, 1982   Public Program   Rome, Italy

Signs of a saint

There was a saint in Maharashtra who was a tailor, but he was a saint. Saint is a saint whether he's a tailor or he could be anything. And there was another saint who was a potter, who used to make pots, and things like that, out of clay. So this saint, Namadeva, went to see this potter who was making some pots out of clay. And he looked at him. And the feeling that came into his heart is expressed – he was a great poet also, Namadeva – so he says, in Marathi it is, but I'll translate it in English – " I came here to see the Chaitanya, the formless, but the formless is standing before me in the form ".

So to appreciate the other saint he said " Now the whole Chaitanya, the whole all-pervading power of God's love has come in your form before me. I see it."
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How to address! Just think of it !  At that moment, spontaneously he said this.

That is how you are all saints, and saints have to see that, that you are the form of that love of God's all pervading power. You are in the form of that, all of you.
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I think that day, you were standing in the rain and sleet with all your children.
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For a Mother it's too much to see, such beautiful feelings for me. But the feelings among yourselves, the open-heartedness, the Pure love, that filled the whole atmosphere with such beauty. It's not just talking, it's not just writing letters or sending Birthday cards or something like that; it's from the heart, you have to feel each other that you are all saints.
You are different people, you have to support each other, you have to look after each other, you have to understand each other because you are the people of a different awareness living among people who are blind, who can hate you, they can do some harm to you.
The other day I was reading Gyaneshwara; can you imagine, he died at the age of 23 years, at such an young age as 23 years. And the Gyaneshwari he wrote was at the age of 21 years. And what a genius! I mean, you read it, you just don't understand, how could he
penetrate so deep.
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He described you all, as I have told you many-a-times he has described you as the oceans of, the walking oceans of Ambrose – Ambrosia. Talking trees, and the forest of the trees of bliss and beauty you'll do. That wherever you'll go you'll bless people.
Wherever you will stand you'll be auspicious, you will create harmony, peace and joy.
That's your work, that's your style, that's what you are here for. "

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  April 8, 1987  " Talk to Sahaja Yogis   St. Martin's Lane   London, U.K.