Center Heart: The Center of Security

All the seekers of truth, I bow. I have told you before during last two days, about the different energies that run within us and also the subtle centers who manifest with those centers outside, except for two. Today I will tell you about the remaining two centers and about what to do after realization. As you know, today is the last day and tomorrow I have to leave and next time I'm sure I'll come for a week to meet you all again.

Now the center that is placed is the center of the heart is called as the heart center, or in Sanskrit language is called as anahat chakra, anahat chakra. This is the center, very important, because till the age of twelve years the sternum bone which is placed in front of it, produces a kind of sense which are called as antibodies, and then these antibodies travel all around the body and protect us from any invasion from outside. This is the center that informs the antibodies about the invasion and how to fight it. This center is bestowed upon the deity Allti; Mother of the World. She's the Mother of all the seekers and of all the saints and prophets and She protects all the seekers who are mislaid or carried away by fake gurus and false gurus. She also protects the seekers when they are trying to achieve their realization and some negative forces try to pull them down.

This center is the center of security, so the first thing any one of these organizations - whether they are religious or of fake gurus - they try to put insecurity into a person: 'If you don't do like this, this will happen, if you don't do like that, that will happen,' so the person is insecure to begin with. Or it can also be that they might say, 'This is due to your karmas, you've been a sinner, you have been this, and you must confess, something wrong with you'...all these things build up the insecurity within you.

Now if this insecurity is developed in a person, the diseases are caused... like palpitations, fear, nervousness, frustration, can be very cranky, hysteria, could be epileptic...can go to any extent. When a person sees a sign of danger, this center starts pulsating, by its pulsation the heart starts beating more and the antibodies are alerted to see what is the danger coming in. But a seeker should never forget that he has a very powerful Mother, the most powerful Mother and She is capable of handling any kind of situation, whatever it may be, for Her children's sake. If this security is built in a person, he is not afraid of any kind of attacks.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   April 29, 1982   Public Program   Rome, Italy