At the outset I have to tell you what is the truth. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, but you are the Pure Spirit. You're not this ego, intelligence but you are the pure Spirit. This is the first truth about you. And the second one is that - you see all these flowers so beautifully placed before you ? They are a miracle in a way, because we can't explain how they are different, grow at a different temperature, how they're different in their heights and colors and fragrance. How these are happening, we never think. All these living things, for example, who runs your heart? So doctors will say that autonomous nervous system, but who is this 'auto', they can't answer. So the science cannot answer this question. Science is limited, it cannot answer, it cannot say why are we on this earth, why have we come on this earth?
So the second truth is there is a subtle living power which is the Divine Love which does all the living work. All the religions have talked about it, all the religions have said that you must get your self-realization, your second birth, in different, different ways. And all the religions have said that there is this subtle power of Divine Love which is formless. But as it is, religions were not so much Spirit-oriented; they were either money-oriented or power-oriented and fighting among themselves. In the name of God they're fighting because if they are the Spirit they won't fight. Because then they will realize they're part and parcel of the whole, they're all one. All these religions were born on the same Tree of Spirituality, but we have plucked the flowers and we're fighting with the dead flowers. All the people who created these great religions never treated them separately. We have done a mistake by not understanding the unity we're having. We'll be happy to see all the people sitting here are coming from different races, from different religions, from different countries. Sahaja Yoga now is working in sixty countries.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi April 26, 1994 Public Program Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia