What is a certain thing within us is the Spirit

In the same way, spirituality has grown from the seed, today to this flower state. In this living process you cannot just have a flower from somewhere hanging in the air, it has to be on the tree, it must have a basis. The basis should evolve into that, you cannot just have something from somewhere, then it is a plastic flower. It must have basis to all the flowers, to all the religions. It must have connection with every religion. Any religion that teaches that that is the only religion, cannot be a religion. It has to be universal. It must relate to all of them. Any person who is Divine has to be a universal person, he cannot belong to one sect, one religion, or one country. He transcends all the barriers which are artificial. God has made only one world. There are some of course, some mountains, and some rivers and human beings who have variety, even one leaf is not like the other leaf, so how can any face be like another face? And the variety creates the beauty, otherwise you'd be bored stiff. Imagine, if everybody in this world look like Chinese or like Germans or like Indians you'd be bored stiff. But variety was created for beauty and not for fighting. That we should fight that your nose is longer than mine I'll fight with you, we measure the nose size, how much is the nose and then you fight. Sometimes human beings behave worse than dogs, they never measure noses, do they?

(Shri Mataji laughing) So we come to a point that we have to be universal. But by saying, "We have to be universal," we do not become. By giving lectures you do not become. I know all these people who talk universality of united nations, all that, I know them very well. It is just an idea, but is very temporary, it can drop out any moment. The friendship will drop out also any moment. Friendship of nations drop out any moment. Once upon a time America and Russia were great friends, today they are great enemies, God knows how suddenly they became enemies.

All these uncertainties have created chaos. What is a certain thing within us is the Spirit. When the Kundalini rises within you from its base She pierces through six centers and comes out of your fontanel bone area, here is the seed of God Almighty and the reflection is in the heart of the Spirit. That is the power like energy rises within us and in the heart is a little fire which gets ignited by that energy and the whole being gets enlightened. That enlightenment first of all gives us collective consciousness. By joining these organizations and stupidities you cannot get that state. The Kundalini has to rise and you have to become the Spirit. So the first thing that happens to you is the nature of the Spirit is that you become, actualize the experience of collective consciousness. It is not a false certificate. I cannot give you certificate, you have to give yourself a certificate honestly. If you are a profound person and a deep person you can see that reality is to be certified by your central nervous system. But if you have no value of your live, you can waste it, what can one do about it?

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
July 9, 1986
Second Public Program
Vienna, Austria