Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 31, 1991 Krishna Puja Cabella Ligure, Italy
Powerful quotations & extracts from Shri Mataji's public talks and interviews. Shri Mataji a spiritual master, who founded Sahaja Yoga, and is known for her system of learning which is open-source and free to teach forward.
To grow, meditate
You can meditate any time, but four o'clock is the time... that's too much for you, but I should say, about six o'clock. Six o'clock is the time when, you see, you are away from the day's problems because so much time has passed and that's the time when you are in a state where you are silent, you're now getting up. Now supposing you have to go to work at seven. Then you must do your meditation by about five. So five o'clock you get up whichever way you like, at least you get ten, fifteen minutes free where you'll meditate. Because then you'll have to get ready, you've to go. So one hour you take to get ready. Before that if you can get up, I tell you, you'll just practice it, it would be very helpful. It's not that it is compulsory, "If you don't meditate you'll go to hell," nothing of the kind, Sahaja Yoga is not like that. Only in Sahaja Yoga one thing is there, if you have to grow then you have to meditate, and that's the best time for individual meditation, for individual meditation. And that's how one has to do it."
A dharmic person is the one who is always introspective by nature. He tries to see, 'Am I doing things all right? Is it correct?' He doesn't allow his mind to justify wrong things. That is one of the signs of a real dharmic person. He may not be a Sahaja yogi. But he will ask himself, 'Is it right or is it wrong?'
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 15 , 1993 Shri Krishna Puja Cabella, Italy.
Today is the day for people to seek. Thousands of people are seeking. They are fed up with whatever they have been doing - they are fed up with it. They are not seeking out of fashion. Many people think that it's a fashion, they're a lost race and they are this and they are that. It's not true. There were never so many seekers as there are today, and they are seeking. Maybe they do not know what they are seeking, but they are not satisfied with their state of affairs, and they are seeking something higher. And that 'higher' is the Absolute... is the Absolute. Now, this 'higher', if it is the Absolute, everything must relate to it. Absolute point means everything is related, for example, if you have a one meter here, if you say it is five meters, that means this is five times than the gold rod you have got in Paris which is called as 'one meter'. Everything has to be related to that Absolute, and that relationship then establishes the relationship with each other."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 16, 1982 " A Disaster or Solution to Come" Caxton Hall London UK
You are pure spirit
So the first truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego or conditionings, but you are pure spirit. The second truth is that there is a subtle power of divine love which does all the living work. Through that power only we have become from amoeba to this stage, and there is a very small breakthrough that we have to achieve, to know the truth. We do not know the absolute truth. That is why we are quarreling with each other, fighting with each other, we have wars. But if all of us know the truth, it is only one. As you all can see Me sitting here, you all know that I am sitting here, there's no quarrel about it. But when you become the spirit, then you can feel this all-pervading Power which you have never felt before. You feel it on your fingertips, and also you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head."Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 17, 1991 Public Program Prague, Czech Republic
Jung: Sought for himself, thought for himself
...See, he sought for himself the truth. He didn't accept Freud. And he thought that there is something wrong with it, then he has spent a lot with philosophy and I think he came to India. And not only that but he got his Realization. And after getting Self Realization he wrote about collective consciousness, he wrote so many things which we can now feel it ourselves. And he was a man who gave him good pictures, what will happen to men when they get self realization. I should say we should be very obliged to him for doing this. It was not just a mental projection but it was a actual finding of his own divinity.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 10, 1989 TV Interview Geneva, Switzerland
Quote: Carl Jung.. I know God exists
Nature of Kundalini: Shri Mataji in Weilberg, Germany
Today we have gathered here to do the puja of Adi Kundalini as well as your own Kundalini.
First of all, I think this is the most important thing to understand about your own Kundalini, as Self-Realization is Self-Knowledge. And the one who gives you Self-Knowledge is this : your own Kundalini, because when She rises She points it out what are the problems on your chakras.
Now, we say that it is pure desire, but we do not know what purity means. It means your chaste desire. It means it has no lust, greed, anything in it. That power is your own Mother and is settled in your triangular bone. She's your own mother. She knows everything about you, it's like a tape recorder. She knows everything about you and She is absolutely the knowledge - because She's so pure. And whatever chakras She touches, She also knows what's wrong with that chakra - beforehand. So She's quite prepared, and She adjusts Herself fully so that you do not get a problem by Her awakening. If any chakra is constricted, She waits and goes on slowly opening that chakra."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 11, 1991 Shri Adi Kundalini Puja Weilberg, Germany

Conversion to "isms" is not the answer - Shri Mataji in Ukraine
For example the first attack came to us we can say in Ukraine through communism. So we had our faith in communism. It has done one thing good that it did not allowed you to have faith in fundamentalism. But today the greatest danger is that there is a vacuum in Russia and also in Ukraine and we may jump into some sort of a fundamentalism. I'm told there are people who have come to convert into Hinduism. They are giving food and trying to entice as the missionaries did in India. By conversion you do not receive truth. You have to have your transformation, not conversion. Any fundamentalism whether it is Christianity, or Hinduism, or Islam is very dangerous. There is a universal religion within us. Because all these religions were born on the tree of spirituality at different times. On the same tree of spirituality. Then people pluck these flowers and started saying, 'These are mine, these are mine'. They are fighting with these dead flowers. As long as there will be one following, one book to be followed, then there will be always quarrels. In the name of God how many people were killed in these fights? This kind of just a feeling or a kind of a concept that we are the chosen ones is extremely dangerous. We have to now understand these are the most important times of spirituality. I call it a blossom time. But it is said that these are the Last Judgments. That means you have to use your wisdom to judge what is right and what is wrong. Whatever is false is not going to help us at all, it has not helped any one so far. What is going to help is your own ascent.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 13, 1992 Public Program Dynamo Stadium Kiev, Ukraine
Statutes of the Statue
This kind of a thing is moving today in the country where you live,
and if you have to save it, you have to turn their faces towards God.
You have to turn their faces towards Self-realization. And this is a
very, very difficult task for which you all Sahaja yogis, I request
you and I pray for you, that you develop that kind of a power which is
the power of Vishnumaya that you shine with the power of Vishnumaya.
When I see your Statue of Liberty, I think she is the Vishnumaya here
standing. Why didn't they make a man stand there, why a woman? She is
the symbol of the sister, of Vishnumaya, and if you have to have your
liberty, have it - but liberty of wisdom, not of stupidity. And this
is what I have to tell you today in this great country of Shri
Krishna, that you'd better be on the lookout. Better be on the
lookout. You can say that She really rules in a proper way in South
America, and that was Her domain, too. And there electricity is not so
prevalent. But the perversion has started because they started
producing cocaine and other horrible things to spoil your Left
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 9, 1987 Vishnumaya Puja New
York, N.Y. USA
and if you have to save it, you have to turn their faces towards God.
You have to turn their faces towards Self-realization. And this is a
very, very difficult task for which you all Sahaja yogis, I request
you and I pray for you, that you develop that kind of a power which is
the power of Vishnumaya that you shine with the power of Vishnumaya.
When I see your Statue of Liberty, I think she is the Vishnumaya here
standing. Why didn't they make a man stand there, why a woman? She is
the symbol of the sister, of Vishnumaya, and if you have to have your
liberty, have it - but liberty of wisdom, not of stupidity. And this
is what I have to tell you today in this great country of Shri
Krishna, that you'd better be on the lookout. Better be on the
lookout. You can say that She really rules in a proper way in South
America, and that was Her domain, too. And there electricity is not so
prevalent. But the perversion has started because they started
producing cocaine and other horrible things to spoil your Left
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 9, 1987 Vishnumaya Puja New
York, N.Y. USA
The society has to be maintained by women
The power of woman is like that of the Mother Earth. See how much
She's done for you. She's given you all the greenery, the beauty.
Wherever She goes down, She fills Herself up with water, and She gives
you such joy and happiness and bears all the problems of the world
despite of whatever things we have done to Her, despite the way we
extracted all Her wealth and everything, still She's giving us wealth.
That's what we are! When we have lost our power, our society has come
down. The society has to be maintained by women, not by men. One must
understand, woman plays the most important role. She's in no way less
than man, but if she becomes this kind of a power, destruction starts
moving in the other direction.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 8, 1980 Seminar talk New York, USA
She's done for you. She's given you all the greenery, the beauty.
Wherever She goes down, She fills Herself up with water, and She gives
you such joy and happiness and bears all the problems of the world
despite of whatever things we have done to Her, despite the way we
extracted all Her wealth and everything, still She's giving us wealth.
That's what we are! When we have lost our power, our society has come
down. The society has to be maintained by women, not by men. One must
understand, woman plays the most important role. She's in no way less
than man, but if she becomes this kind of a power, destruction starts
moving in the other direction.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 8, 1980 Seminar talk New York, USA
Truth it what it is
I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know
that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it, we cannot change
it, it is beyond human awareness. That means, at human awareness we
cannot know the absolute truth. This is the reason why we have
different theories which go against each other and we fight. Absolute
truth can only be known if you become a higher person. That you have
to become the Spirit. This is the fundamental truth about you that you
are not this body, not this mind, not this ego, nor your conditionings
but you are the Spirit. Unless and until you become absolute you
cannot understand the absolute. This second truth is that there is a
subtle all-pervading power around us which does all living work. We
see these beautiful flowers here, we see them, we take them for
granted. They have come out of a small little seed differently. How it
happens, we don't think. Look at our eyes, what a beautiful
micro-camera it is, but we just take it for granted. We have also
taken our evolution for granted, from amoeba stage to this human
stage. Unless and until we human beings find out the truth through
this evolutionary process of becoming the Spirit, none of our problems
are going to be solved. And it is very easy. Sahaja means "born with
you". And Yoga means, it is the union with this all-pervading power.
This is done through a residual power within us, as you can see here,
in the triangular bone, of sacrum. This bone was called as "sacrum" by
Greeks, meaning the Greeks knew it's a sacred bone. This instrument
exists within us and is just waiting to be triggered. And when She
rises She passes through six subtle centers, ultimately piercing
through the fontanel bone area giving you the actualization of
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 5, 1991 Public Program CA-Tent
Vienna, Austria
that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it, we cannot change
it, it is beyond human awareness. That means, at human awareness we
cannot know the absolute truth. This is the reason why we have
different theories which go against each other and we fight. Absolute
truth can only be known if you become a higher person. That you have
to become the Spirit. This is the fundamental truth about you that you
are not this body, not this mind, not this ego, nor your conditionings
but you are the Spirit. Unless and until you become absolute you
cannot understand the absolute. This second truth is that there is a
subtle all-pervading power around us which does all living work. We
see these beautiful flowers here, we see them, we take them for
granted. They have come out of a small little seed differently. How it
happens, we don't think. Look at our eyes, what a beautiful
micro-camera it is, but we just take it for granted. We have also
taken our evolution for granted, from amoeba stage to this human
stage. Unless and until we human beings find out the truth through
this evolutionary process of becoming the Spirit, none of our problems
are going to be solved. And it is very easy. Sahaja means "born with
you". And Yoga means, it is the union with this all-pervading power.
This is done through a residual power within us, as you can see here,
in the triangular bone, of sacrum. This bone was called as "sacrum" by
Greeks, meaning the Greeks knew it's a sacred bone. This instrument
exists within us and is just waiting to be triggered. And when She
rises She passes through six subtle centers, ultimately piercing
through the fontanel bone area giving you the actualization of
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 5, 1991 Public Program CA-Tent
Vienna, Austria
Your art, music, and gestures
So this principle of Shri Krishna is so important that at the state,
as you call it, the Vishuddhi chakra, we become complete, in the sense
that when the Sahasrara is opened out for you and you start feeling
the vibrations, you are not yet fully complete. If you were just
complete then it would have been an end of your evolution, because at
that stage, if you had finished it, then there was no need to have
Sahaja Yoga. But actually it means that once the Sahasrara is opened
out, then you have to come down to your Vishuddhi chakra, that means
to your collective. If it is not working on your Vishuddhi chakra, the
enlightenment on Vishuddhi chakra, you cannot feel the vibrations.
In your art, in your music, in your gestures, in every way, your hands
are very important. But Vishuddhi chakra also plays a part, as you
know, on the sixteen chakras or the sub-plexuses which look after our
face, our ears, nose, eyes, neck, all these things are looked after by
Vishuddhi chakra. As a result also, you can become great actors, you
can have eyes which are innocent, you can have a skin which is
shining, you can have ears which can hear the Divine music, you can
have a nose which shows your dignity."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 6, 1988 " State of Witnessing "
Shri Krishna Puja Garlate, Italy
as you call it, the Vishuddhi chakra, we become complete, in the sense
that when the Sahasrara is opened out for you and you start feeling
the vibrations, you are not yet fully complete. If you were just
complete then it would have been an end of your evolution, because at
that stage, if you had finished it, then there was no need to have
Sahaja Yoga. But actually it means that once the Sahasrara is opened
out, then you have to come down to your Vishuddhi chakra, that means
to your collective. If it is not working on your Vishuddhi chakra, the
enlightenment on Vishuddhi chakra, you cannot feel the vibrations.
In your art, in your music, in your gestures, in every way, your hands
are very important. But Vishuddhi chakra also plays a part, as you
know, on the sixteen chakras or the sub-plexuses which look after our
face, our ears, nose, eyes, neck, all these things are looked after by
Vishuddhi chakra. As a result also, you can become great actors, you
can have eyes which are innocent, you can have a skin which is
shining, you can have ears which can hear the Divine music, you can
have a nose which shows your dignity."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 6, 1988 " State of Witnessing "
Shri Krishna Puja Garlate, Italy
Wherever collectivity has worked, Sahaja Yoga has prospered...
In Sahaja Yoga, the door is open - anybody can come in, anybody. Get your realization. Because I have faith in collectivity, this collective life will definitely give you what Buddha got through His individual efforts. But there also we fail that we do not know how to be collective. Individualism is all the time around us. In every way we think as individuals. Wherever collectivity has worked, Sahaja Yoga has prospered; and wherever it has not worked, there has been a problem. So it is very important that we should look at ourselves, and see for ourselves and see how much collective we are. Do you enjoy collectivity, or not? Are you aiming at collectivity, or not?"
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 4, 1991 Shri Buddha Puja Deinze, Belgium
Mother Earth teaches us balance
Mother Earth teaches us balance. If she was not in a balance, we would have been all finished. She teaches us gravity. She teaches us how to be attractive to another person without the other person knowing about it, feeling about it. Without enslaving, without mesmerizing, without obliging - to attract and to give, without expectations. Without any expectations she gives us...But when she gets very upset, like as in - you have heard that in Mexico she erupted out. You know what was happening in Mexico, I was telling you long time back, that they are using all kinds of black magic, they are producing all kinds of drugs. Colombia is doing the same. And if you do all these things to harm people, then she gets into volcanic conditions, and then a volcano starts bursting out."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 3, 1986 Shri Bhoomi Devi Puja Shudy Camps, Cambridgeshire, U.K.
Attention and sub-conscious
The other day I talked to you about the left side power that we have
by which we desire. In Sahaja Yoga language we call it as Mahakali
power. And this power gives us the left side which is our
subconscious. And the subconscious gives us the conditioning. Through
our subconscious only we become conditioned. Now how does our
subconscious takes the conditioning ? In between the thought there's a
very little space which we can call as the silence, as the present.
But the thought that comes to you rises and falls off, stops for a
while and again another thought starts and falls off. The first
thought that rises, we can see the rising of the thought, not the
falling of it. And when it falls it goes into the subconscious.
Another one also rises. It rises and again it falls; it goes into the
subconscious. That's how our subconscious starts building up. How do
the thoughts come into us? Thought comes to us because human beings
when they look at a thing they have a method of projecting their mind
into it.
Now, to take this attention inside is the problem. This attention has
to go to the, to the Spirit. It's not sort of reacting they have. But
this attention has to go to the Spirit. When the subconscious acts,
for example, I put My, say, attention onto this chair. All right ? So
now, if I'm not attached to it I see it just as a play. After
realization I can see it. But before realization to me, this is a
precious thing. This is my possession, this is my home and this one is
an emblem of some sort of my residence, whatever it is. All these
ideas come to my head. Then I get involved into this one. Then this
becomes a conditioning factor. Supposing something happens to this
chair, then I'm finished. I can even become mad. I can go to the mad
house. That may happen. People do. I mean, for something material they
can go into madness. But this has nothing to do with you, see it's
nothing, it's outside, is outside, it is not inside. Here we are. So
they divide these methods, these are make-beliefs, really
make-beliefs. And the subconscious gives us a make-belief. But once I
have heard, today we had this laughing and this on, and, say that I
believe, of course I believe. I say it, all right, I say it. What,
what is it? I believe in God. So, are you obliging God or yourself ?
It's difficult for us to understand that whether believing or not
believing, God exists. Whether you like it or not, He exists. But then
the projections start moving in such a way that we start even bonding
Him, according to our conditioning.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi July 29, 1981 " Conditioning " Public
Program Caxton Hall London, U.K.
by which we desire. In Sahaja Yoga language we call it as Mahakali
power. And this power gives us the left side which is our
subconscious. And the subconscious gives us the conditioning. Through
our subconscious only we become conditioned. Now how does our
subconscious takes the conditioning ? In between the thought there's a
very little space which we can call as the silence, as the present.
But the thought that comes to you rises and falls off, stops for a
while and again another thought starts and falls off. The first
thought that rises, we can see the rising of the thought, not the
falling of it. And when it falls it goes into the subconscious.
Another one also rises. It rises and again it falls; it goes into the
subconscious. That's how our subconscious starts building up. How do
the thoughts come into us? Thought comes to us because human beings
when they look at a thing they have a method of projecting their mind
into it.
Now, to take this attention inside is the problem. This attention has
to go to the, to the Spirit. It's not sort of reacting they have. But
this attention has to go to the Spirit. When the subconscious acts,
for example, I put My, say, attention onto this chair. All right ? So
now, if I'm not attached to it I see it just as a play. After
realization I can see it. But before realization to me, this is a
precious thing. This is my possession, this is my home and this one is
an emblem of some sort of my residence, whatever it is. All these
ideas come to my head. Then I get involved into this one. Then this
becomes a conditioning factor. Supposing something happens to this
chair, then I'm finished. I can even become mad. I can go to the mad
house. That may happen. People do. I mean, for something material they
can go into madness. But this has nothing to do with you, see it's
nothing, it's outside, is outside, it is not inside. Here we are. So
they divide these methods, these are make-beliefs, really
make-beliefs. And the subconscious gives us a make-belief. But once I
have heard, today we had this laughing and this on, and, say that I
believe, of course I believe. I say it, all right, I say it. What,
what is it? I believe in God. So, are you obliging God or yourself ?
It's difficult for us to understand that whether believing or not
believing, God exists. Whether you like it or not, He exists. But then
the projections start moving in such a way that we start even bonding
Him, according to our conditioning.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi July 29, 1981 " Conditioning " Public
Program Caxton Hall London, U.K.
I bow to all the Sahaja Yogis and all the seekers of truth. It seems
Romania is a special place where there are so many seekers of truth.
And very deep and truthful they are about it. Sahaja Yoga is the power
of compassion and love of God Almighty. But it's not just talk,not
just giving you a lecture or a sermon, but it is actualization of the
experience of this Divine Love. It is spirit-oriented, not
money-oriented, nor is power-oriented. All the religions have failed
outside because they are not Spirit-oriented. Now, of course, they are
challenging us and saying all kinds of wrong things about us because
they are frightened that they will be exposed.
But truth will prevail now. The time has come for truth to prevail. It
is surprising that people don't understand that truth is love and
compassion. If you really love somebody, you know everything about
that person, that is how the Divine Love is, which knows everything
about everything. It is the knowledge that you get when you fall into
the ocean of love, an ocean, you fall into the love's ocean. One has
to know that truth is what truth is, you cannot change it, because it
is absolute. You cannot transform it, you cannot sell it. You cannot
pay for it. It has to be really understood that if you have to know
the truth you will know because the time has come, and that you are
the human beings at the epitome of evolution.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 1, 1995 Public Program Bucharest, Romania
Romania is a special place where there are so many seekers of truth.
And very deep and truthful they are about it. Sahaja Yoga is the power
of compassion and love of God Almighty. But it's not just talk,not
just giving you a lecture or a sermon, but it is actualization of the
experience of this Divine Love. It is spirit-oriented, not
money-oriented, nor is power-oriented. All the religions have failed
outside because they are not Spirit-oriented. Now, of course, they are
challenging us and saying all kinds of wrong things about us because
they are frightened that they will be exposed.
But truth will prevail now. The time has come for truth to prevail. It
is surprising that people don't understand that truth is love and
compassion. If you really love somebody, you know everything about
that person, that is how the Divine Love is, which knows everything
about everything. It is the knowledge that you get when you fall into
the ocean of love, an ocean, you fall into the love's ocean. One has
to know that truth is what truth is, you cannot change it, because it
is absolute. You cannot transform it, you cannot sell it. You cannot
pay for it. It has to be really understood that if you have to know
the truth you will know because the time has come, and that you are
the human beings at the epitome of evolution.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi August 1, 1995 Public Program Bucharest, Romania
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