Marriage is an auspicious occasion, is the most auspicious occasion in the life of human beings. It is auspicious, that's why it's joy giving and the vibrations flow with that auspiciousness all over the world.
Marriage is meant to give joy, is meant to give cheerfulness, happiness and all the blissful things that we can think of achieving through our combination with two human beings, we can say. It's a very close and private relationship which has to be respected. It is not to be in any way dishonored or indiscreetly squandered away. Those who cannot respect their partners in life will never be respected anywhere else. Those who ill-treat or in any way try to spoil the image of their partners are harming themselves.
Try to understand each other, decorate each other, not correction, but decorating. Like an ornament, when added to a personality decorates that person, in the same way, try to decorate another person. So the decorum and decency of life comes from this auspicious relationship. That must be maintained. Marriage is the bondage that keeps the society in its own beautiful bondage of Mother's grace.
Give up all your old ideas, all your so-called modern methods by which we have ruined our married lives. If you cannot enjoy your own wife or your own husband, there's nothing in this world you can enjoy, because the relationship is the most intimate and very sacred. So you have to forget that you live independently, now you live as one person, one personality, supporting energy, complimenting each other in complete concord. This creates that peace which we are talking about.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi November 29, 1981 "Marriage is Meant To Give Joy " Brompton Square London, UK