Blossom Times

I bow to all the seekers of truth.

Yesterday at the very outset, I told you that truth is what it is. If we have not found the truth we should be humble and honest about it, because truth is for our benevolence, for the benevolence of our city, of our society, of our country and of the whole universe.

This is a very special time you are all born, where people have to get their Self-realization. This is the Resurrection Time as described in the Bible, it's the time of Kiyama as described by Mohammed Sahib. This is a very special time when Nala, as you know, Nala damayanthi akhyan - Nala was faced with Kali. He got very angry with Kali and said that "You have destroyed my family, you have destroyed my peace, and you put people into bhram, into illusions, so I'd better kill you." He challenged Kali that "You should be finished forever."

Then Kali said, "All right, let me tell you my mahatmyam. Let me tell you why I should be there. If I convince you then you can stop killing me, but if I do not, you can kill me." So he told that "Today all those who are seeking the truth, seeking their Self-realization, Atma sakshatkara, those who are going into giri and kandharas, into the mountains and in the valleys, searching God all over the world; these people will be born as ordinary householders during Kali Yuga. There will be bhram, no doubt, people will be in sabhram. Illusion will be there, and the confusion will be there - that I will create, no doubt - but because of this confusion only, these simple householders will seek the truth. And that's why that is the time they will get their Atma sakshatkara."

It's a - lots of prophecies have been there in our shastras about these times, but specially Bhrigumuni in "Nadigranth" has described about these times. If you tally them with the timing of today, it is exactly this time. After the death of Raghwindra Swami this will happen, and that's what is happening now. For you people it is very important to understand that Raghwindra Swami was in this area and he did a lot of work, and now the time has come to complete his work; also Ramana Maharshi. They didn't know how to explain, so they took to maunavart. People like Gyaneshwara at the age of twenty-three, writing such wonderful things, like "Amruta anubhavi" is a book, I think the last word on spirituality. They had to get into samadhis at a such a young age of twenty-three years, because nobody tried to understand them. So much of ritualism, so much of conditioning, so much of reading that nobody wanted to know what they were talking. Everybody thought, "We know everything," and that's how this kind of a satisfaction that they had. Kabira has said, "Kaise samjhaun, sab jag andhaa" - "How am I to explain, the whole world is blind."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  December 7, 1991  Public Program  India Tour  Madras  ( Chennai ) Tamil Nadu, India

Embrace your Specialty

So now you have entered into the kingdom of God, you are now sitting in the court of God Almighty. Here, of course, as courtiers you have to dress up well, sit properly, take up your seats, you have to be systematic and above board because you are Sahaja Yogis. You are not ordinary people. You are special people. How many people in this world are going to be Sahaja Yogi? You are special people, so try to make yourself such beautiful instruments of Raja Lakshmi that people when they will see you they will vote for you and tomorrow you will rule the world. [Applause] I do not want you to get out of politics or get in politics but you have to first get the blessings of Raja Lakshmi and then only you should understand what's wrong with our country, what we have to do, what is the purpose, why do we want to become politicians, what we have to do, we have to have plans, what is your project, all these things now put your attention from yourself to outside."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi December 4, 1994 Sri Lakshmi Puja New Delhi, India

God has created a beautiful world, I assure you

Today there are many new people I see again. It's so heartening to see new flowers coming up every day to become the fruits. It's so joy giving to know that I'm here at the right time when people are really seeking. They are really seeking to be transformed; they really believe that something has to happen to them. They are aware that there's something lacking in the whole human personality, in the human race, that we can not overcome the hurdles which look and appear absolutely absurd and illogical. So many problems we have -  individually, socially, politically, economically... appear very clearly, it is so evident to understand, that the human fiber is lacking in something; that it's the human beings who are responsible for this chaotic world, for all this modern confusion.

For God has created a beautiful world, I assure you. It's really a very beautiful world and He has created you also very beautifully. You all are very beautiful people, extremely beautiful. You cannot feel your beauty, then how can others feel your beauty? Because the light that shows your beauty is not there. You have fragrance, which is the fragrance of all the flowers put together. You are the essence of all the beauties of nature that is created, all the symphonies and all the music that you hear, all the art that you have created has come from you. That is your part, while you are the whole, you are the totality. But you do not feel your totality that's the problem: that human beings do not feel their totality. Out of you all this has come up. All this is your creation. But you cannot feel that if your hand has produced something, it's your hand. If your eyes have produced something, these are your eyes; that you are one, that in totality you will know the One who has created you. For example, supposing I do not have eyes, I may be able to see you partly, in the sense I can feel you, but I won't be able to see you fully. If I don't have nose, I won't be able to know how your fragrance is.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    November 30, 1980    " We Are All One "    Public Program    Caxton Hall  London, UK

Most powerful saints, to date

First thing: we have to know that we are realized souls, and that you have got realization and that you are saints, that you have all the powers that a saint could have. No saint ever had more powers than you have, as it is, which is manifesting. No saint had any knowledge that you have today.

You'll be amazed, none of the books which have been written so far have been able to tell you about the spiritual being that is within you as you have come to know through Sahaja Yoga. One has to accept it. It is so. Anyone of them whosoever has written any books, even, I would say, Adi Shankaracharya, he could not explain so many things which you know. But the quality of Adi Shankaracharya is very great, or people of his type, Markandeya or Buddha, the quality is very high, because they are extremely pure people, purity. They have achieved individual salvation of a very high degree while you have achieved your collective salvation better, but individually they are of a very, very high quality. I mean, they had no doubts about Divine Power, they had no doubts about God. They never had any doubts and they were very dignified. And they never bothered as to their petty problems of life. For them this was too petty to think about. Anything which is so petty, we spend so much time over it. I know we had to do it because after all we are human beings and are being into Sahaja Yoga with our human awareness and then we got our realization so the purification time is very, very short. And while they had such a lot of time to purify themselves.

Now, for example, Moses was an incarnation, a very pure form of a personality or, you can say, Jesus was an incarnation, absolutely purest form of incarnation. But they are there to be our ideals while what we have done is to become, from human beings, a prophet. So you understand both the things very well, what the weaknesses human beings have, what are their problems, how they get away from reality, how they are deluded.​​

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi     December 1, 1980     Caxton Hall    London, UK


Marriage is an auspicious occasion, is the most auspicious occasion in the life of human beings. It is auspicious, that's why it's joy giving and the vibrations flow with that auspiciousness all over the world.

Marriage is meant to give joy, is meant to give cheerfulness, happiness and all the blissful things that we can think of achieving through our combination with two human beings, we can say. It's a very close and private relationship which has to be respected. It is not to be in any way dishonored or indiscreetly squandered away. Those who cannot respect their partners in life will never be respected anywhere else. Those who ill-treat or in any way try to spoil the image of their partners are harming themselves.

Try to understand each other, decorate each other, not correction, but decorating. Like an ornament, when added to a personality decorates that person, in the same way, try to decorate another person. So the decorum and decency of life comes from this auspicious relationship. That must be maintained. Marriage is the bondage that keeps the society in its own beautiful bondage of Mother's grace.

Give up all your old ideas, all your so-called modern methods by which we have ruined our married lives. If you cannot enjoy your own wife or your own husband, there's nothing in this world you can enjoy, because the relationship is the most intimate and very sacred. So you have to forget that you live independently, now you live as one person, one personality, supporting energy, complimenting each other in complete concord. This creates that peace which we are talking about.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   November 29, 1981  "Marriage is Meant To Give Joy "  Brompton Square   London, UK

Kundalini: An Ancient Knowledge

It is such a pleasure today - and great fortune that here, where William Blake lived, and He sang those songs of the greatness of this country, the future that it has to be.The dreams He saw, have now come to shape, that we are here to celebrate His anniversary. Things go beyond words - you cannot express yourself. Many people do not understand Him because He wrote it, according to them, in abstract language - or in the language that He understood. But I am happy that Sahaja Yogis understand Him so well, and the prophesies that He made about England. People used to  rebuke and ridicule it. Even today they can't believe that Jerusalem can be built in England. They cannot believe that people who have been all their lives, for ages together, thought of nothing but materialism, can take to spirituality to this extent that it becomes Jerusalem, and that the whole world comes to pay homage to this Holy Land. That this becomes the Holy Land. In fact, He dreamt, He wished it, because He knew the value of this land. This land has been touched by Christ's feet. Since long, people knew about Kundalini. Even if that is lost, for history it remains. And He knew about it, He spoke about it. In His lifetime, maybe, people never understood him - they must have thought that He's really a madman, or something, a fanatasist, or some sort of a poet - He doesn't understand. But what He wrote, every word of it, is the truth. Such a great soul should live in Hampstead, itself is such a blessing. With such people, even if they write or not, they leave their mark. Their ascent becomes the milestone for the people who live there: their aspirations become different, their priorities become different - the change is so subtle; is to be seen, to be felt, to be understood.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   November 28, 1981   "You Are the Spirit "   Public Program   Hampstead  London, UK

Boredom - The Silent Enemy

Now, I have been here in this country for so many years, and I have been working on Western people, and what I find is that there is a great seeking, no doubt. People are not satisfied with their life, with their mundane life. They think it is very routinous, they are bored, they think something has to happen. Then there are some people who think that if these great books of scriptures have described that there is something Divine, there is something higher, and there is something like what we call the All-pervading Power which is ruling this universe, and if one has to enter into the Kingdom of God, then there must be some way out, and we must find it.

From inside, they don't feel happy about themselves. They're insecure, because they think they haven't got what they have been seeking. So there are markets open for such things, and when the demand comes in there is a supply from everywhere. Also from our great country that is India, we have supply of people coming down.

Today I was talking to the people who have advertised and this and that, and they said that the market people have used all these adjectives, like: "It's a new way", "It's a new style", "It is what you're seeking, is inner experience, enlightenment", this, that, all that. Now one thing one has to say, that they are very clever, that they even say that there is "No money is needed, no money will be charged, you will be accepted freely."

So why are they doing this? I just can't understand. Why are they playing with the Divine? What makes them do all these things? It's a very dangerous game. If they really believe in the supreme Power of God, then they must know you cannot play with it. It's a very serious matter. Most of them sell it, all right? Most of them sort of have a go towards it.

It happens because of two things. One is complete ignorance, what you call, they are denying about spiritual life. They don't know what is God, what are His powers. They themselves perhaps are just leading, like a blind man, other blind people. They may be not be bad at heart. I don't say they may want to ruin others. But the others could be really negative, horrible people, satanic, and they give you certain concepts through their books, through their advertisement or whatever it is, and that you accept, and you live by that."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  November 21, 1979  " Seeking in the West "  Caxton Hall  London UK

Can a living process be guaranteed?

Regarding your realization, nothing can be promised to anyone. There is no promise. You know, there is no enrollment. There is no fees, nothing. Like the trees, they do not enroll themselves somewhere, that, "Oh God, oh, give us the sun, sun's rays, so that we come up". The sun is shining and all the trees are blessed. Some do not get the blessings; some do get it. Some die at the grass stage, some grow up, become heavily laden with fruits, which they distribute to others, and people say, "All right, this tree has come up". They do not say that the sun has done anything; they just take it for granted.

In the same way Sahaja Yoga is working out. It's just very simple, is natural.You cannot pay for it. How much do we pay to the sun or to the Mother Earth for giving us all that She is giving us? We are giving to all intermediaries, you see, who have created economic problems for us. But do the diamonds [unclear] we don't give anything. The real sources we don't pay anything. In the same way, you cannot pay anything for it. It's all natural. It works out. It helps you and you help others. This is what has to happen to most of the human beings. But first to the number I was telling you which is required, and they have to be sensible, wise, open people who have self-esteem. It's not meant for useless, frivolous, nonsensical.

So, one has to understand that as you are seekers, you have discarded many things which looked nonsensical to you, and today is the time for you to receive, for which you have discarded all that: the sense of your being; the meaning; the purpose of your being; why you have come on this Earth; everything; all the knowledge of the world; everything for which you have come, for which you were created; the whole universe; the stars.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    November 20, 1980    " The Myth of Ego "    Caxton Hall  London, UK

Higher Awareness

Now the new phase has started. You all have a very, very open challenge to get people into enlightenment. People are not so ignorant now, they are not so much blasted. Moreover, I find them very much changed. Their attitude towards truth has changed, and they understand there is truth beyond all this that they have known. It's very important, because if a human being starts thinking "this is the truth," he just gets stuck up. At any cost, whatever may happen, he'll go on sticking to that. He won't be able even to verify whether it is the truth or not. Animals can. How? Because they have got innate capacity to smell the evil - innate. We cannot, human beings cannot. If there's a evil man, a dog will bark at him. Otherwise he'll go and throw him down. He'll do everything which is not normally done. How is it he has developed this capacity to find out who is a thief and who is not?

We have a higher awareness. We think about many things which animals cannot think. We understand many things which animals cannot understand. We cook our food - they don't. But also I sometimes, I think we cook our brains, because the way people behave and try to avoid the truth with their ego is surprising. All this happening is a drama, as I told you, but you better study it properly and apply it to yourself, and see if you are also a part and parcel of that drama. For that, you have to rise higher. You have to rise higher - higher above your ego and your superego, your conditioning, and from there to watch yourself and see yourself: "What is this? Why am I doing such a thing? Why my attention is like that? What is the main reason for my own possession, I should say, or my own misunderstandings? Why do I accept wrong things?"

Once you'll start seeing that, and if you find even a wee bit of such nonsensical understanding within you, then you can forgive also people who have been absolutely brainwashed, absolutely brainwashed, and they did everything under that influence. As it is now you have risen much higher than all these people, and much more aware than all of them. So you have to just understand this point, and then you can forgive all the mistakes they have committed.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    November 18, 2001    Diwali Puja    Lake Piru    Los Angeles, Ca  USA

Liver and Heart

As I said, Europe is the liver. That means all the attention is in Europe. But the attention, if does not have the heart, it is absolutely not integrated, nor it is enlightened. But when the heart is sleeping how to bring heart to the attention? But some tricks here and there played so well that the heart, like a lion, leaped, and we are here. The joy of all the Sahaja Yogis is now going to fill the attention and new powers will be developed for all of you and you will all feel responsible for spreading Sahaja Yoga. It has to happen. Thus we realize that through effort we all can achieve the impossible. Brahmarandra is the heart, is the heart chakra and unless and until there is heart into our work we are not enlightened people. All our efforts will be futile. Without the attention the heart is useless. So this beautiful meeting that has taken place is writing in the skies with the warmth of the heart and light of the attention. That the glorious days have come for us to enjoy our complete freedom, freedom from all our enemies, all our ignorance."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  November 16, 1985  " Racism"  Evening before Diwali Puja  Tivoli, Rome, Italy

"... I am your Mother. "

I've been here for a short time, but I really felt so close to you. You are so sensitive and so sensible and you didn't mind whatever I have told you. I am a Mother, and I have to tell you the truth and you shouldn't feel bad if you think that I am your Mother. That is a Mother's job; she has to have patience, love, affection and also wisdom. Perhaps we women don't realize how important we are. Men can do politics, economics and all the mess of it but women are responsible for the society. They can make the society or mar the society. Whenever there are good societies where children are good, families are good, and there is peace, there the women are responsible. The woman who has the job of rocking the child can rule the world. In no way a woman should think she is less than man.
Woman is like this Mother Earth and man is like the sun. Look at the Mother Earth: how She bears us, how we torture Her, and how She looks after us. So the greatest quality of a woman is her tolerance, her love and her wisdom.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    November 13, 1994    Ladies Public Program    Tunis, 🇹🇳 Tunisia 

Love for Christ symbolizes use of personal wealth for welfare.

For us, if Christ is the symbol of higher personality, then what were His qualities? He was the noblest man you could think of, the greatest personality as far as morals are concerned and such forgiveness, such magnanimity, such glory. He would, was the One who was blessed with Lakshmi. He was a satisfied soul. He would not do anything wrong, whatever money you might give Him. Nobody could purchase Him.

So after coming to Sahaja Yoga is important to know that you are blessed by Lakshmi. With the one hand She gives, She gives to others that is Her nature, to give. Like if one door is open the air won't come in. But if you open the other door then only it will circulate. So, to be satisfied is one of the qualities of a Sahaja Yogi. Some of them do ask for money miracles. That's not the way your attitude should be. You are now the Spirits. And the Spirit doesn't care for the comfort of body, mind, but for the comfort of the Spirit. Many of you have become Spirits, no doubt. But you are not aware, some of you, of your own status. You have to be aware about it. With the other hand She gives protection. Protection to all those who worship Her. All those who work for Her. So anybody who has money has to give protection to people who are employed by him or working for him.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    November 12, 1993    Diwali Puja    Moscow, Russia

Pettiness vs Love

 Today is a great day of Diwali. That means today is the great day... lights of your heart make a greater light for the world to move in a proper direction. It's a day of great joy and those who join in this are spreading also great joy. But the problems are there, as they say, but for us there is no problem because there is no darkness. We don't see any darkness anywhere. We see lights and lights and lights.

Then what is the thing missing? Missing is our sincerity. We have to be very sincere with ourselves. Because it is not just a borrowed love or a borrowed joy, but it is from within the source it's flowing, flowing and flowing. So that is to be awakened and that love should flow and our small petty things like jealousies and competitions and all those things which spoil us must be washed away; and it can be washed if your heart is full of love. Today is a day of spreading love, light of love. So that everybody feels enlightened and happy and forgets his petty problems."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    November 9, 2003    Diwali Puja    Ventura, Ca.  USA

Diwali: The Greek Connection

It is very, very fortunate and auspicious that we are celebrating the Diwali in Greece, specially in Delphi. It has a very ancient history, and as you know Athena resided here. She was the Primordial Mother. "Atha" in Sanskrit means "primordial." So this place has been described, has been described even in the Puranas as "Manipur dweep." Manipur is the Nabhi. Also in Sanskrit Manipur means the Nabhi Chakra. So it's described as the Manipur dweep, is written "Manipur e dweepe." Just imagine these Puranas, these ancient-time books - God knows how old they are, must be at least eight thousand or maybe more - and they have described Greece as the Manipur dweep, is the place of Nabhi and where resides the Adi Shakti, that's the Athena. So I mean, how it was known to them - maybe through torsion area, I would say; but it is written very clearly, and same we find here is the place of Athena which is in the Nabhi...
Now this Primordial Mother that we have as Athena also has in Her hand a Kundalini, also She has one trident. All this is sign that when She was born She knew that She has to fight the evil forces in the Nabhi Chakra. All this history is really shown very clearly in the Greek mythology, but later on this mythology took a very, very wrong path through human beings, as they know how to spoil everything. So what they did is to make all the gods and goddesses look like human beings, and so we have here many gods which are in India - they are represented even in the Greek mythology. But the Indian gods are kept very pure and very godly and saintly, but here it was brought down to the level of human beings.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   November 7, 1999    Diwali Puja    Delphi, Greece

Ignoring Reality

There are many who are not here who have got their realization, all over the world. I remember all of them, and all of you should remember them. Today is a nice day when we can think of all those who are enlightened in this world. That's the real Diwali - the enlightenment of human beings. It's not candle, it's not some lamp but it's human beings. If they're enlightened, then there's no problem any more. The problems come with the people who are not enlightened because they're in the darkness. They're groping in the darkness, and some of them don't know, also, that they are completely ignorant of realities.

Once you come to Sahaja Yoga and enlighten your Self you see in that light, in that light what is good and what is bad, to begin with; and then you grow into it beautifully just like these flowers who are all the time happy, all the time giving you the joy. In the same way, when you are enlightened with that light you don't seek anything. You've got everything within you. Keep the lights on. But another thing you can do is, with your light you can enlighten other people. Like we have done here: we had enlightened one candle, with that we have enlightened all of them.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi     November 3, 2002    Diwali Puja    Lake Piru    Los Angeles, Ca.  USA

Democracy: It can be perverted to a new slavery

So we've got two types of theories: as we see,one is communism and another is democracy, where one is power-oriented, the another is money-oriented, and in both the cases we say that it's all failed. And it's a good news for all of you to know that Russia which was a country known to be run in complete fear has turned out to be the best for Sahaja Yoga. It is one of the super powers. When the government is like that I think the people are better. They do not have these false notions of individual freedom. They do not think that, "Ah, what's wrong?" I told them, "You must put oil on in your head because you'll become bald." Next day all of them were down with the oil, rubbing it in. So the kind of obedience they had from very beginning of their country. that sense of obedience is so great. You tell them anything, immediately they do it. Not one, thousands. One thousand were sitting in the hall; two thousand were outside waiting for Me, on a follow-on. Imagine how wise and deep they are, while in the West we are lost in our so-called freedom idea of so-called freedom: "What's wrong?" But actually we are slaves if you see. Any fashion that starts, everybody starts doing it. But why? Why do we follow those fashions? We must see how we are slaves. Because others will laugh at us if we don't do like that. They'll make fun of us. Because they will criticize us. So because they have got a freedom to criticize we are frightened of such people who can criticize. And now the criticizing people are criticizing them. Critics have critics, their critics are their another critics, and there are critics after critics. So only the critics are produced. Where is the benevolence? There's no question of benevolence at all.
So in the freedom-loving people who are supposed to be free, the idea of benevolence is finished. Because whatever is good for you, whatever is benevolent for you
 , can be only understood if you have wisdom, if you have depth. But if you have this kind of freedom is to go amuck, do what you like. Because everybody's doing it, I must do it. Everybody is singing like this; so I must do it. But from where does this idea come in? From where these ideas come in? Are they entrepreneurs who want to befool you, make slaves out of you? And this slavery is so-called freedom for you, but actually I think it's complete slavery because you do what they tell you, behave in the same manner as whatever they say. There are no fashions in that country. Very few, very few women indulge into fashions. Nothing. And men are also very simple. They have no fashionable things. They have only things which are convenient, good for their climate. That's what they wear, whether you laugh or don't laugh. It's everybody laughs here. If anybody laughs at them they'll say, " "They're stupid." They'll all have pity for him, that's all. "

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi     October 29, 1989      Diwali Puja     Montacatini Terme, Italy

A Child-like Heart: A Prerequisite

Now there are some people who never smile, who never laugh. So then you are allowed to tickle them. It's absurd. It's said that 'you have to be like children'; you have to be like children. You play with something, finished; then you play with another, finished. You don't get involved into anything. You don't get attached to anything. Unless and until you have that child-like heart you cannot enjoy Sahaja Yoga. It's useless. You will be here for years together; you will be useless, absolutely. Specially if you are coming from false gurus, it's very difficult. Because what I have known of false gurus, they never laugh, never smile. They are very serious. Only take your money, keep on the backside. So it is important that we should be in a very joyous mood, alert, aware, enjoying every bit of it. That's one of the Lakshmi's principles is."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    October 29, 1989    Diwali Puja    Montacatini Terme, Italy

The Culture of Spirit is Nourishing

Today I was thinking of talking, telling you about the Sahaja Culture...

So the culture is the pattern of behavior we have with others. Is a common pattern of behavior we are supposed to have with others... 
So the culture of the Spirit doesn't change. It's universal, and is higher than any other culture. Apart from that it integrates all the essences of all the cultures... 

So for a person who is imbibed with the culture of spirit, the Sahaj culture, impresses others by his calmness and relaxed attitude. Relaxation never means lethargy, by any chance. It doesn't mean lethargy. Lethargy is against relaxation. A person who is relaxed cannot become lethargic. "Relaxed" means a person who's alert and calm. These two things for human beings is an impossibility, because if they are alert, if they are alert then they're not calm. If they're unhappy, sad, then they think they are very, very calm. So this is one of the things one has to remember, that you have to witness yourself all the time. Not to condemn yourself, but witness.

Now I said the word "witness" means "detached". Now what happens with this, when you start condemning yourself, you miss every good point. For example, you have some experience of a sudden height being achieved. All right? At that point you should catch hold of it, hold on to it, keep doing, but don't forget that you may go back, no. And then wait for another higher moment to come, hold on to it. That's how you climb Himalayas. But not that, "Oh Ma. Now it's all right, but what will happen next?" Then you are gone down, because you have to face yourself in the way, knowing what are your powers. You are a spirit now, you are no more an ordinary human being, so you have no business to condemn yourself, or to degrade yourself, or in any way to feel unhappy. No way. Past is past. What happened a moment before is finished. "Now I am going to rise. Now I am going to rise." 
So a person who has a Sahaja culture is not only spontaneous, but is inspired, is an inspired personality. A person who is of that kind, an inspired visionary, then other people get impressed by such a person that, "See, there's a man who's inspired, who talks in an inspired way, in a way that is something very different from others." Something new he says, new that is nourishing.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    October 6, 1985    "Sahaj Culture"    New Jersey Ashram, USA

The False Prophet Epidemic

Do you know, when I came to America first, I saw such a horrible thing here, that people were running after some horrible gurus, and I never came - after nine years I came. Because I said, "These people are mad. How do they follow these horrible people? And why do they believe into them? They have no wisdom to understand what the truth is like." And it works out now today, you can see there are so many people here. 

So that is what is the wisdom part. And if this wisdom comes to Americans, they'll come to Sahaja Yoga; not only come, but they will grow into it. But the wisdom will be to see, "What are we going to do? What are we going to get? What is our aim?" All these things must be brought to them, which is not done normally. We must talk to them and must tell them, "What is within you is the Spirit. You should become the Spirit, every one of them has said so. So why not do that, and why not become the Spirit?" So then they will themselves feel, "Yes, that's true. It is said that you should become the Spirit." They'll go to church, they'll go to temples, they'll go here, there, so, not understanding why they are doing it. They need some sort of a protection, that's why they go. But this protection comes from your spiritual status. Where do you stand, as far as the Spirit is concerned? Those who have enjoyed the Spirit, I have seen, do not deviate from the right path. But those who haven't, they may call themselves Sahaja Yogis, anything, but they can be very wrong. 

So first of all find out about yourself. If you are a real Sahaja Yogi, if you really want to be a instrument of this power, then what you have to do is to become full of bhakti and shraddha for that. And this bhakti and shraddha is very joy-giving, I know it. It never makes you tired, it never troubles you, nothing; but it's very nourishing and beautiful. But it should be at the right place, with the right aims and right understanding. For all that what you need again is wisdom, and you should try to find out: are you wise enough? Are you wise, or are you not? It's very difficult for every human being to find out whether you are right or wrong, because you see the effects of this wisdom all around.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    October 27, 2002    Navaratri Puja    Lake Piru    Los Angeles, Ca.  USA

How Ego Rises

Today I was thinking of telling you about the ego problem, because I think everybody feels that that's the biggest problem they all have; and there's a big ego trip one gets into, and they don't know what to do with it. So first part I will tell you how the ego rises and how, what it does to us; the second how to understand it, how to tackle the position of ego and put it in its own aspect.

As you see in the map here, the yellow stuff that you see on top is the ego. The balloon that is yellow is the ego. You see down below it starts from the Swadisthana. This is the color of the bile within us, and this Swadisthana Chakra which is for our creativity is directly connected to that ego there. And when it starts rotating round the Void and going to the various parts of the Void, it collects all the problems of the Void. Void is that green circle within us where physically we have in the Void, we have uterus, we have kidney - it's a complete viscera: all the intestines, ascending, transverse, descending colon, liver, is the upper part of liver more, then also pancreas and the spleen. So all the problems of these organs are collected by this chakra which moves. It comes out of the Nabhi Chakra and moves round and round and round, and collects all the problems. It nourishes, gives power, the vital power to these organs, and also it generates necessary power for our creative action. It also collects the fat cells of the Void, convert it into the proper cells for the brain, for its use, for the grey matter. All this work it has to do, one chakra.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi   October 22, 1979    Public Program    Caxton Hall   London, UK

Seeking What?

No doubt, everyone will have to go through this process, but how many really want to be themselves? There are certain people who say, "We are seeking.''

When I ask them, "What are you seeking?" they say, "We are seeking joy, peace, happiness..." Some of them are worried if they are worthy of it or not, whether they should really know their Self or not.

There are two types of problems about such seekers: One which I call as "the left hand side problem" of the Ida Nadi, where the people are very emotional, subdued, who bear all the oppressions of others on themselves. They say, "We are unworthy of this great position, Mother. How can we get Self-realization? We are sinners. How can we be... that higher evolved souls, when we have sinned, when we have done wrong?" This is one type.

The another is the one who uses his rationality and he thinks, "How can it be possible? How can we get realization?" So many of them cannot believe that there could be a phenomena within us which works out Self-realization. They do not even understand that God is compassion, He is love. I wonder if such people of this category also really believe in God, in His all-powerful nature. They may have a photograph in their houses. If He's compassion, if He's love, then He's not going to allow His own creation to be destroyed by foolish human beings, by some foolish people. So both ways, one has to understand that every one of you will be exposed to His grace. But if you deny, if you do not want to get exposed, then even the compassion of God recedes; attention of God recedes from such people who do not want to receive the grace of God.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  October 23, 1978  " The Three Channels"  Public Program  Caxton Hall  London, UK