Just like a candle which is not yet enlightened cannot be enlightened by itself, you need another enlightened light to enlighten it. But once that candle is enlightened ( it ) can enlighten other candles. And this works spontaneously. So one has to know though we are frustrated very much, the way people are talking about God and just making money out of it. Either they are money oriented or they are power-oriented. Like you have heard people have to pay some money to a temple or to a church. But what can church give you, or what can a temple give you? Unless and until your Kundalini is awakened? For example this is an instrument which is not connected to the mains, what's the use of this instrument? It has to be connected to the mains, and that is why we find all these so called religions going in the opposite direction. You have to become the Spirit, is said by all the scriptures. But that doesn't mean that you can just brand, "Now, I've become the Spirit," and say, "I'm a twice-born." What is the difference between a person who is twice-born and who is not? A twice-born person has powers. Powers not to kill but to love, and love that acts. As you know Christ touched people and they got cured. In the same way there could be some healers also. But they are trying some tricks, because in their own life they are very materialistic, they charge money for curing you. They have no authority to call themselves as self realized souls.
So we have to be honest about our seeking and should ask for the truth only. Because falsehood is not going to give you satisfaction. You will go on from one to another to another. Falsehood will ultimately make you frustrated and unhappy. So for genuineness and goodness one has to understand that the time has come for you to get Realization. I call it the Blossomtime. In the beginning on the Tree of Life there were one or two flowers. But today it is Blossomtime where many have to get their Realization. It's the last breakthrough in your evolution that you have to become the Spirit. Your Spirit is the one which gives you absolute truth. Once you get your Realization, then you start feeling Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost in your hands. The All pervading power of God's Love about which so many scriptures have written. And you start acting like a computer which is already programmed very beautifully. You get absolutely truthful answers to all the questions that you ask.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi June 10, 1988 Public Program Graz, Austria
So we have to be honest about our seeking and should ask for the truth only. Because falsehood is not going to give you satisfaction. You will go on from one to another to another. Falsehood will ultimately make you frustrated and unhappy. So for genuineness and goodness one has to understand that the time has come for you to get Realization. I call it the Blossomtime. In the beginning on the Tree of Life there were one or two flowers. But today it is Blossomtime where many have to get their Realization. It's the last breakthrough in your evolution that you have to become the Spirit. Your Spirit is the one which gives you absolute truth. Once you get your Realization, then you start feeling Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost in your hands. The All pervading power of God's Love about which so many scriptures have written. And you start acting like a computer which is already programmed very beautifully. You get absolutely truthful answers to all the questions that you ask.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi June 10, 1988 Public Program Graz, Austria