Logos or the first sound, the AUM

Yesterday you all enjoyed the music and I was very happy, at your enjoyment. Music plays a very dynamic role in human life, one has to understand that. One of the mysteries I was describing to you, last time, also, created by naad, they call it naad. You can say the logos or the first sound, the AUM, the Brahma. The sound, first time, the sound that was created, when the Primordial Mother, or the Primordial Power, of Divine Love, the power of God separated, from God Himself. God was the Witness, Witness of the Play of the Divine Power. There is no difference between the two. God Almighty and His Power are just like the sun and His rays. For us human beings, this is impossible to conceive the mystery. Moreover, in our ego, we think that we can understand Him, is another mystery for Me. But, to Me it's a very sweet thing to see human beings trying to comprehend the mystery of God. It's like a little child trying to understand the favored work of his father. Or could be much more. But this sound, the first sound, which is described as also logos I believe, is the sound of this Primordial Power, of this Divine Power that has created the whole universe. Now one may say that how are we to believe that this sound exists? Of course, one should not believe. But whether you believe or not, it exists, so why not discover it. Instead of discarding something, why not discover it? Is a better way of looking at things. You should keep yourself absolutely open and see for yourself if it is true or not. For any scientific man it is important to be an open-minded person. If he is bound by some traditional ideas or some sort of old fashioned ideas or, you can say, some sort of hypocritical ideas, or fanatical ideas, such a person cannot be a scientist. For any scientist, is important, to be a very open-minded man, objective and not subjective. You remain subjectively, very controversial, when you are not self-realized. Before that, every subject is a different subject. Someone likes a blue color, someone like a red color, someone likes a green color. Someone likes to eat ice cream, someone likes to eat something else. Everybody is a different person subjectively. Some person like a blonde lady, someone likes with the dark hair, and everybody has a different idea. There's nothing like absolute among people, naturally, because they have not reached their absolute. So you are absolutely subjective. For music or for anything, whatever you like, is all subjective..."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi June 8, 1981 " The Mystery of God " Public Program Caxton Hall London, U.K.